I, Sleepwalker – Let's Step Out Back And Settle This Like Men lyrics
From a lasting end
No one knows just where we'll end up
But we're going for it, from the top of this hill
Wade through the darkness
Make a lasting impression, and get the gun to make amends
Hold me 'till I've got nothing left to scream about, darling
I'll hold your hand as you pass away
Amanda you're so hazardous to my well-being
Blowing smoke with every kiss you're forming
God I want
Don't leave me alone, I'm not sure I can make it
Check yourself at the door baby
I watched you dig your way out
I watched you dig
I watched you dig your way out
No one will be the pathway
No one will be here when we go to this
No one will be here when we come out of this
No one will be here when
Don't leave me alone, I'm not sure I can make it
Oh you're hazardous to my health
I watched you dig your way out
I watched you dig
I watched you dig your way out
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