Reisa L. Gerber – Get Out Of Here lyrics
The violet, silver sunset,
Brought moonshie to the sky,
And I watched the stars come out,
In a deep blue velvet sky
As the nightbird called an end tothe bright array
Of sunshine-
I stood alone at dusk, and I began to cry.
In somber tones of chestnut, a weight upon my
I contemplate escape from the pain of
Grayand black
I saw an aura-
I thought of where I was, and I saw the sun's
And I could only say "Give in" to defeat at
Any time.
But an attitude of whiteflagged surrender
don't give in, Reis!
Is Debt at any cost
The struggle to succeed is gargantuan
But "it's poshbull", all is not lost
I told myself, "Hey, Reisa, you can do it"
Yes, you can.
For everyone to hear.
I'd give every drop of that moonshine-
To just "Get out of Here!"
Top Reisa L. Gerber songs
- You Make Me Feel Okay
- Rock And Roll (Empty Sha La La)
- Please Get Out Of My Life
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- Don't Drive Me Crazy!!!
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- Drafting Is A Form Of Slavery*********
- Clerical Skills (The Dirty Red Bandana)
- Spanish Hearts
- Let's Just See if This Could Be
- Que Nunca Sera Tan Amor
- Still I've Got To Make It (On My Own)
- No, Noone Will Touch You
- Now The Tables Have Turned
- My Baby Cubbins