Reisa L. Gerber – She Knows What She Picks lyrics
She's telling everyone, "You've got to say yes!"
She'll push you
The she'll ask how she got into this mess!
She'll telll you what she's thinking,
Just to get it off her chest,
She's egotistical,
She thinks she's the best!
She's the only one you will deny,
The only one you "Nix"
On the bias of the sky,
She knows what she picks!
Maybe you're jaded with some prejudice,
Sadly cynical tothings she'll profess,
But to keep all doors open,
Please give her a chance-
Please do not disallow her song and dance!
But once they hear her name-
Oh, they know who it is-
An eye to eye encounter,
With the blackest of lists!
They'll turn away in pity and an agony of pain-
"Oh, it's her", and in disgusted tones,,
They'll disregard her playing, play on.
Top Reisa L. Gerber songs
- You Make Me Feel Okay
- Rock And Roll (Empty Sha La La)
- Please Get Out Of My Life
- Susie (Your Love Keeps Me Warm)
- Don't Drive Me Crazy!!!
- Rock On With Me (Sweet Colors)
- Drafting Is A Form Of Slavery*********
- Clerical Skills (The Dirty Red Bandana)
- Spanish Hearts
- Let's Just See if This Could Be
- Que Nunca Sera Tan Amor
- Still I've Got To Make It (On My Own)
- Now The Tables Have Turned
- No, Noone Will Touch You
- My Baby Cubbins